5 ways to uninvite your wedding guests…

Well, this is a blog I never thought I’d have to write. Of all of the curve balls that 2020 has had to throw, this is one of the most upsetting for our customers.

There are fairly strict restrictions in place at the time of writing, max 15 per wedding, but, even if that relaxes a little there is still a lot to take into consideration . . . there may be local travel restrictions for some of your guests; there will be social distancing guidelines in place; guests may have fears about travelling or have reduced finances; and the list goes on. 

So, there seem to be two options for moving forward:

1. Postpone your wedding.

If this is your choice, and if this is a possibility with your venue and other suppliers, then there seems to be two main ways forward. You could send out a change of date card with your new date on it or you could send out a change of date card with a general season, for example, summer 2021. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances the wedding of Josh & Helena has been postponed until the 18th of September 2021″.

“Due to circumstances out with our control, we are heartbroken to have to postpone our big day until the summer of 2021. we will be back in touch as soon as we have our revised date confirmed.”

2. Go ahead but with reduced numbers.

If it is your choice to go ahead, you’re very likely going to have to vastly reduce your guest list. This is certainly uncharted territory for everyone but there are some general areas that most people seem to agree on:

1. Be honest and compassionate in your delivery. Explain that it has given you sleepless nights trying to work out what the best way forward for everyone is. Emphasise that you are looking after the health of your guests rather than simply following the new restrictions.

2. Be as fair as possible. Create an across the board rule for how you’re going to reduce the list – immediate family and bridal party only, for example.

3. Don’t over explain. Your own financial situation may have changed but don’t feel that your guests need to know this. 

4. Let them know as soon as you can. They may have booked time off of work or arranged accommodation that would need to be cancelled.

5. Try not to worry. This is an incredibly difficult time for everyone and you can only do what you think is best. Everyone loves you; they will understand.

So, you’re going ahead with restricted numbers BUT, this doesn’t mean that all of your loved ones can’t join your day. Quite a few of our clients have arranged to have their wedding live-streamed to their guests. You could send an invite with a livestream link and ask them to join you as you get married. You could even encourage them to open a bottle of Champagne to toast your nuptials in style. 

“We are so sad to announce that we’ve had to reduce the size of our wedding. We are heartbroken that we can’t stick to our original plan but we’d absolutely love it if you could join us on our livestream as we say ‘I do.’ Your love and support means the world to us.”

With whatever you decide to do, we’re here for you.

Stay well, stay safe & stay in touch.


Richard & Suzanne xx


Main Image | Brown’s Photography | brownsphoto.co.uk

Other Images | The Hendrys | thehendrys.co

from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/how-to-uninvited-invited-guests

Wedding Save the Date Cards… All you need to know

You’re getting married – congratulations! 

So, what to do now? 

  1. Celebrate 
  2. Celebrate
  3. Celebrate 
  4. Ok, better start planning . . . .  as soon as you’ve decided where and when you’re going to get married it’s a good idea to communicate this information to your guests so that they can plan time off work, book the date in their diary and start to get excited about celebrating your day with you. This is where save the date cards can be very helpful indeed. They can set the stage for what your guests might expect from your wedding. They absolutely don’t need to follow the same style as the rest of your stationery – have some fun with them. Play with styles without feeling like you have to commit to them. Get your guests excited for how wonderful a day they, and you, are going to have.

What to include?

Keep them simple – your guests don’t need to know your choice of venue yet or the schedule of your day. They only need to know the basic details so that they can start to make their plans.

  • Who – Verity & Andrew
  • What – are getting married
  • Where – Bristol
  • When – 24th September 2021

A fifth W could be your wedding website as this can be a convenient way to pass extra information to your guests.

Your save the date can be as formal or informal as you choose.

wedding save the date card

What’s an example of a formal save the date?:

Kindly save the date to share the joy of
Verity Buchanan
Andrew Jameson
at their marriage 
on Friday 24th September, 2021
in Bristol


Formal invitation to follow


What about a more informal style of save the date?:

Please save the date
Friday 24th September, 2021
Verity & Andrew are tying the knot
Invitation to follow


It is always a good idea to put ‘Invitation to follow’ at the bottom of your save the date as this will make sure that guests know that they don’t need to RSVP. 

Art Deco wedding save the date

When should you send them?

It is usual to send them 6 months to a year before your wedding date – basically as soon as you have your date and venue confirmed, especially if you are getting married abroad or in peak holiday season. They certainly aren’t essential but they will increase the likelihood of your guests’ chances of attending your celebration. 

What about different styles?

There are so many different styles of save the dates to choose from – postcard, digital print, letter press, foil press, the list is endless. One of our favourites is the post card style. It is quirky and cool and lends itself well to retro, vintage, rustic and playful type styles. It has the added bonus of not requiring an envelope to be sent.

Letter press save the dates are classically elegant and strikingly beautiful.

Foil press save the dates are stunning and wonderful, who doesn’t love a little sparkle? 

gold foil wedding save the date

What if we need to know if anyone can’t make it?

If you are having a wedding where numbers are going to be quite tight and you have an A list and a B list (where the B list depends upon how many of the A list can or can’t attend) it might be an idea to put ‘we’d love to have you at our special day but if you know you won’t be able to attend, please let us know.’ This way you’ll be able to send your save the date cards to your b list guests pretty quickly so that they won’t know what list they were on. 

Is there anything we should avoid?

What you eventually decide to put on your save the date cards is completely up to you – there are no hard and fast rules. However, there are some generally accepted areas to avoid: 

  • Who is hosting the wedding, leave this for the actual wedding invitation.
  • Your gift list, best to keep this for either your invitation or your wedding website.
  • Your venue, unless you have already booked out all of the rooms that you will need for your close family and friends.

Above all else, enjoy each and every part of planning your wedding day, it is a very special time indeed. 







from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/wedding-save-the-date-cards-all-you-need-to-know

10 Things You Should Know Before You Buy Wedding Invitations

Don’t buy your wedding invitations without reading this guide…

It’s always good to have a bit of a guide before you make an important decision. Especially when it comes to making purchases for your wedding.

With a lot of things you buy you may well have experience of choosing and buying them before: cars, shoes, meals etc. So you’ll have a good idea of what you like and what to expect. With your wedding stationery it’s quite likely this will be the first time you have even thought about it, so here are a few tips:

Pocketfold wallet wedding invitations

1. Always Order a Sample
When you’ve seen wedding invitations you like (probably online) you should always order a sample prior to making the decision that these are the ones for you. You really need to see and feel the quality of the card, the print and the finish.

Gold wedding invitations

2. Order More Than You Think You’ll Need
It’s best to work out how many invitations you think you’ll need and then add another 10 or so on top. This will cover you for any unexpected (or forgotten!) last minute guests. But more importantly if you are hand writing your guests names there will inevitably be mistakes.

Most wedding stationery companies have a minimum order, simply because of the way printers work, so you don’t want to have to order another 25 invitations when you only need a couple. That said bear in mind that couples and families may need only one invitation.

Click here for a full guide on ordering the correct number of wedding invitations.

elegant wedding invitations
3. Have Someone You Trust Proof Read Your Stationery
Your designers will do everything they can to ensure your invitations are error free but when it comes to it it’s ultimately your responsibility to give the go ahead for them to be printed. It’s a really good idea to ask someone you know who has good grammar and spelling to check the text as it’s easy for you to miss something.

Foil wedding invitations
4. Leave Yourself Enough Time
Remember that your wedding stationery will take some time to design and produce. This is especially true if you are looking for a bespoke design. Even with ‘off the peg’ stationery you will need to leave time for your wording to be set, proofs to be sent out and approved by you and then the time it takes for your stationery to be printed and delivered. This last stage can range from anything between 10 days and 10 weeks depending on the supplier and type of print/finish required.A good guide is to start looking when you have your date and venue confirmed but to leave ordering until about 6-9 months prior so that you have a solid idea of numbers of guests and don’t get caught out by any changes.

5. What Do Your Guests Need To Know?
Aside from the date, time and where to turn up, what else might your guests need to know? R.S.V.P details are a good idea but you don’t always need a separate card, an email address on your invitations is an easy way to do it. Assuming some of your guests may have travelled some distance, or if you’re getting married in a remote location, it’s a good idea to include directions and accommodation details. Asking guests about dietary requirements is advisable but it’s really up to you how much additional information you include.

Classic wedding invitations

6. Getting Your Wording Right
There are as many ways of wording a wedding invitation as there are weddings. So as long as you’ve covered the basics: time, date, venue etc. then you can get really creative or very traditional the choice is yours. There are loads of guides to wording online but as long as it sounds like you and you’re comfortable with it you can’t go wrong.

Click here for a complete guide to wording your wedding invitations.


Bespoke wedding invitations
7. Bespoke Design V’s Personalised
The joy of having your wedding stationery designed according to your exact specifications cannot be over estimated. With the right designers you will enjoy an amazing experience and have wedding stationery that is truly unique and something to treasure. However if you don’t really have a theme, or a good idea of what you are looking for, it may be simpler to find an existing design that fits the bill. Many suppliers will personalise stationery for you even making changes to the colours and tweaks to the design.

lined envelopes
8. Budget For Stamps and Postage
With the price of stamps on the increase it’s an idea to budget for how many you’ll need. Especially if you are having a large number of guests. Most invitations up to and including A5 will avoid the extra expense of large letter but it’s worth asking about postage if you are thinking of something very elaborate.

9. How Much To Spend
As with all things wedding you can spend a little or an awful lot. Wedding invitations range from as little as a pound to upwards of twenty pounds for handmade or special finishes. So, depending on the size of your wedding, be prepared to spend between £200 and £500. Going down the DIY route is not always cheaper and not recommended unless you are particularly crafty and have time on your hands.

Click here for the lowdown on budgeting for your wedding stationery.

10. Don’t Send All Of Your Invitations Out
This might sound odd but another good reason to order more than you need is that you’ll want to keep some invitations back as a memento of your big day. Many people forget about this in the excitement of planning the wedding. It’s a nice thing to discover years later tucked away somewhere.



from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/10-things-you-should-know-before-you-buy-wedding-invitations


Foil wedding invitations will make a deep impression on your guests.

Bringing the beauty and traditions of the past into the modern day – the wonderful world of the hot foil press and the exceptionally beautiful hot foil wedding stationery that we are over the moon to be able to bring to you. 

Foil Printing in-house on our Vintage Hot Foil Press

What an exciting journey this is, daunting, possibly, but so so worth it. Making your wedding invitations as special as can be has always been at the heart of everything we do and how better to do that than by using a vintage hot foil press to really elevate the design that you choose.

Foil Wedding Invitations

How are foil wedding invitations printed?

So, how does it work? Well, firstly a die is made with an embossed print of your design on it. This is then heated to a very specific temperature – believe me, that was interesting to work out – and then a metallic or pigmented foil is pressed between the die and the colour of paper of your choice.

This bonds the foil into the surface of the card permanently and leaves a beautifully debossed, tactile finish. Et voila – beautiful hot foil wedding stationery!

It certainly is an artisan process as each and every card is printed by hand but, in the very fast world that we all live in, we really believe that bringing back these traditional, special methods is not only valuable but, in many ways, essential. 

The Beauty of Foil Wedding Invitations

The beauty of hot foil wedding invitations is also in the choice involved – we have access to a huge number of different metallic foils – literally hundreds – as well as a large range of non-metallic foils.

Gold foil wedding invitations are classically and eternally beautiful as are silver and rose gold foil wedding invitations.

It is, however, really inspiring to work with so many different metallic foil colours. Copper foil has been increasing in popularity over the last year or so. The richness of it particularly suits winter weddings as it works so well with deep earthy colours.

The classic combination of navy or grey with copper foil can be simply stunning. We’re getting excited about working with all of the new matt colours that are now on offer. There are some really fabulous creations coming out of foil companies – patterned foils that could look truly stunning on your luxury wedding invites.

Printing directly on to a coloured card can be very effective indeed (I’ve fallen in love with my new business cards – copper foil on a rich green card). The density of colour is so rich and beautiful.

We carry the full range of G. F. Smith colour plan papers; they are our preferred paper suppliers as they carry such a beautiful range of colours and textures of card.

We love their environmental credentials and they are simply great to talk to as they are always on hand to answer questions and to give advice on the best papers to choose to create exactly the look, feel and style that our discerning clients (like you!) are looking for in their wedding stationery. 

Gold Foil Wedding Invitations

Foil on other items of Wedding Stationery 

Foiling doesn’t have to be kept for the actual invitations alone; it can add pops of beauty to everything from Save the Date cards to RSVPs and Thank You cards.

Foiling can really set the scene for your wedding feast with subtle touches on your menus and place cards; it can truly add the wow factor to the styling of your tables. 

We love to chat – email us, phone us or message us about your wedding stationery and we’d be happy to go into more detail about all of the styles available; we’re sure that we will have exactly what you’re looking for.

After the initial design/discussion period you will then be invited to proof your wedding stationery. Only when you are completely happy will the print process begin.

Your wedding stationery will then be beautifully packaged and sent out to you with our love and best wishes for the most magical time in your life.

It is so important to us that you will be truly delighted by it when you open your first package.

 With luxury foil wedding invitations you will bring an air of prestige, luxury and elegance to your wedding day. Set the tone and really capture your guests’ attention. We’d love to join you on the journey to creating your perfect stationery. 

from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/foil-wedding-invitations


Wedding invitation wording – the do’s, the don’ts and a free downloadable guide!

First of all… 

Congratulations on your pending nuptials!

My name is Richard and I’ll be your guide to creating pitch perfect wording for your wedding invitations. 

I remember when we were planning our wedding and thinking…

‘What exactly do you write on a wedding invitation?!?’

Fear not dear reader. In this guide you’ll find all the information you need and, what’s more, you’ll be able to test drive some of the most popular wording examples and see in black and white just what sounds right for you.

In this wedding invitation wording guide you’ll find…

  • The basic information every wedding invitation must contain
  • The ‘rules and etiquette’ of wedding invitation wording
  • What to do about guest names
  • The common mistakes most couples make
  • The golden rule for pitch perfect invitations
  • Wording examples from formal to relaxed

The basics to wedding invitation wording…

So there are some basic pieces of information that really must appear on your wedding invitation. These are essentially…

The who, the where and the when…

wedding invitation wording

  • Who is getting married – that would be you and your beloved
  • Where will this wondrous event take place
  • When will you declare your undying love for each other

Everything else is a matter of style and personal taste.

Wedding invitation wording rules and etiquette…

Please don’t stress or worry yourself, there really are no hard and fast rules for wording your wedding invitation. 

The most important thing is that you are happy with the way it reads.

 ways to word a wedding invitation

There are a few things to consider…

  • Have you covered the who, the where and the when?
  • Do your parents wish to be mentioned on the invitation?
  • Do you feel happy when you read your invitation that it suits your style and personal taste?

What do we do about guest names…

This is one of the areas I get asked about most. How do we make sure they know who is invited? (And who isn’t).

There are two simple ways to invite your guests…

wedding invitation wording guest names

On the left – Use line to hand write names on.

On the right – The guest names will be written on the envelope

You may have the most exquisite handwriting, or you may know someone who has. In this case you may be happy to adorn your invitations with your skilled script.

If, on the other hand, you’d rather not put pen to your finely crafted and beautifully printed invitations, then a simple solution is to use your envelope to let your guests know just who is invited.

With the rise in popularity of letter press and embossed print, many couples prefer to avoid writing directly onto their invitations.

Common wedding invitation wording mistakes…

luxury wedding invitations how to word

When working out how many invitations you’ll need it’s tempting to just work out how many guests you are inviting. But you only need on invitation per couple or family.

The golden rule for knowing how many invitations to order…

Number of Guests Invited to Full Day – Divide By Two – Add some Spares*

*Do the same again if you are having evening guests

It’s much better to have some keepsake invitations left over. Ordering a reprint is expensive and best avoided.

The golden rule for wedding invitation wording…

For me there is only one thing that truly matters when it comes to your wedding invitations.

You should absolutely love them!

wedding invitation wording examples

How would you like to test drive the most popular wedding invitation wording?

Simply click the button below to access your free wedding invitation wording guide. With a few taps and clicks you’ll be able to test all the most popular ways to words your wedding invitations.

From the formal to the relaxed you can try them all…

wedding invitation wording guide

from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/wedding-invitation-wording-the-ultimate-guide


Creating a guest list for your wedding is easy right?

You just invite all the people that are important in you and your partner’s lives… oh and their partners… oh and some relatives you haven’t seen for years… and that distant friend that invited you to their wedding out of the blue… ok so maybe it’s not so easy.

Fear not, in this handy guide to creating the perfect guest list you’ll find tips on ways to take the pain out of getting the numbers right without worrying about snubbing anyone important.

 Tip One – Divide & Conquer

Divide up the number of guests you are inviting between you, your partner and your respective parents. So let’s say your wedding venue can cater to 200 guests. You could split the list 75 each for you and your partner and 25 each for your parents.

It may be that things don’t work out as evenly as that but the key is to agree the numbers first. This way you avoid conflict when your intended insists that he has to invite the entire rugby squad. 

Tip Two – Invite Everyone

Don’t take this literally but a bit of brain splurging is a good way to get started. Sit down and write a list of everyone you would invite if you could. From your sister to that cousin that used to make you laugh when you were kids, your best friend to the guy in work who tells a cracking joke – this is a no holds barred list of everyone you think would be ‘good’ at a wedding.

Now you have a list of everyone you should invite and a whole load you probably shouldn’t. This is a good starting place to apply the rules…

Tip Three – Cut, Cut, Cut

You might need to take your ruthless pill for this part, or a double espresso, whatever works. Time to start whittling down that list to those who really matter. If you can stick to these rules you should have a lovely paired down list of the important people in your life who you are truly looking forward to seeing on the day.

Rule 1: If neither of you has spoken to or met them in the last year or two and they are not relations – cut

Rule 2: If you are not keen on inviting kids, then don’t.

Rule 3: If they are only on your list because you’d feel guilty about not inviting them – cut

Rule 4: If the idea of inviting them round for dinner holds no appeal at all – cut

Tip Four – Collaborate

If you’ve divided up the guest list between you and your parents using a shareable spreadsheet is a great idea. You could use google docs or keep an updatable spreadsheet in dropbox or the likes. If there’s one guest list to refer to it makes life a whole load easier.

Tip Five – Remember the Mantra – Budget & Space, Budget & Space

Inevitably you’ll be faced with someone saying ‘Oh I can’t wait for your wedding’ and that someone will be someone you’re not planning on inviting. Awkward doesn’t quite cover saying ‘sorry you’re not coming’ – so recite this mantra – ‘yes budget and space mean we can’t invite everyone we’d like to’ then move the conversation swiftly on to something unrelated to weddings – ‘your hair looks great!’ or ‘have you been working out?’might work.

So there you have it, tips for creating the perfect wedding guest list. One final tip is to try and enjoy the process, imagine how much fun you’ll have with the people you love on the day you declare your intention to share the rest of your lives together.


from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/how-to-make-the-perfect-guest-list


Letterpress wedding invitations… to have and to hold.

Often mistaken for embossed wedding invitations, letterpress wedding invitations are in a class of their own.

There are certain things in life that have to be experienced in order to be fully appreciated. The cool sand between your toes as you walk barefoot on the beach, the first sip of a glorious glass of wine as you unwind, the unmistakeable crack of the bar as you break off a square of delicious chocolate.

Letterpress wedding invitations need to be held in your hand before you can really understand why they are so special. 

The first thing you’ll notice is the thickness of the card.

When you hold a piece of 600gsm card (think several times thicker than a good quality business card) in your hand you’ll feel the soft texture and the weight of the card will immediately signal luxury and quality.

All this before we’ve even come to the deep impression of the letterpress print on the surface of this fine piece of wedding stationery perfection. You see letterpress printing involves a printing plate which is used to make a deep impression into the surface of your wedding invitation.

Letterpress wedding invitations

You can actually see the edges and shadows created by the indentation of each word and letter. Fine details and graphics come to life in three dimensions. It really is like nothing else in the world of wedding stationery.

Many people mistake letterpress wedding invitations for embossed wedding invitations. This is understandable as the two have much in common. The big difference being embossed wedding stationery has the text and design raised from the surface of the card where as letterpress wedding stationery is impressed into the surface – debossed to be precise.

Letterpress wedding stationery

So how do I get my hands on some of this paper perfection I hear you ask. Well today is your lucky day. If you’re curiosity has been tweaked and you have read this far you shall be rewarded my trusty friend…

Simply click this link and choose a sample from our letterpress wedding invitation collections and your piece of paper perfection shall wing its way in the post to you without delay or charge – that is to say it’s yours free, gratis and for nothing.

I do hope that you’ll be so deeply impressed by letterpress that you will accept nothing less for your wedding invitations.

affordable letterpress wedding invitations


from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/letterpress-wedding-invitatons

5 Must Read Wedding Blogs You May Not Have Heard Of…

Looking for wedding style tips?

You want your wedding to ooze style and class. Perhaps have a few original touches that really define what you’re all about. So where do you find all that wonderful 2019 wedding inspiration?

Get the low down on the hottest wedding trends for 2019

I have saved you the bother of trawling though endless blogs searching for that elusive dress, that floral flourish, that cake confection of delight, and distilled what are, in my opinion, the 5 must read wedding style blogs.

Do you want your 2019 wedding to rock?

The clue in the title here… Rock My Wedding claim to be “The Most Influential Brand In The Wedding Industry” and I can safely say they have some juice to back up that claim… 230k readers and over 1.3 million followers across social media can’t be wrong.

To be honest RMW has developed from a blog featuring real weddings into a full fledged wedding style resource. They still have some unbelievably stylish real weddings featured, these are combined with a curated supplier list, some handy DIY guides and a whole host of ideas to style up your 2019 wedding.

Rock my Wedding is a solid choice for gleaning some tips and viewing a broad range of wedding styles.

Oooh I love your dress!

Wether it’s a traditional white wedding dress, a super sharp suit or a cool as kilt you’re after Love My Dress will set you on the path to sartorial satisfaction,

As the name suggests there is a focus on what you might wear. But again this is more than a blog featuring real wedding inspiration. One unique feature that I love is a section on wedding readings with some pretty amazing and quirky readings for you to consider.

The team at Love My Dress say they are ‘never driven by trends’ so if a timeless elegance is what you are seeking then this blog is a winner.

 Are you the alternative type?

If you laugh in the face of tradition and tread the path less beaten then Rock n Roll Bride was made for you. I have had the pleasure of meeting Cat (the founder) and her inimitable style and passion for the more out there is awe inspiring.

In fact I’d recommend you don’t just browse the plethora of alternative real wedding features… there is a magazine! Yes a beautifully printed real, in your hands, flick through the pages actual magazine. As you know I have a bit of a thing for paper and print so I say hat’s off to Cat for bringing some alternative wedding style offline and into your hands.

Dearly B.loved

Under the heading of ‘luxe and lovely’ this blog aims squarely at the top end of the wedding market. Now I love a luxury wedding invitation and as you’re here I’m thinking you might just too. This being the case I’m pretty sure you’ll find a whole host of lustworthy wedding magic here.

B.warned it’s hard enough sticking to your wedding budget without immersing yourself in a whole host of luxe wedding frippery… but go on you know you want to!

Out on a whim

Possible the best titled blog here… Whimsical Wonderland Weddings really hits the spot when it comes to inspirational, creative and joy filled real weddings.

You can really feel Louise’s passion for everything wedding in every piece and feature. There’s no set style and a resolute refusal to be pigeon holed into any particular style… if it’s in any way whimsical or indeed wonderful it’s in.

There’s a hand picked supplier directory and the bride diaries are touching and often hilarious. Dive in…

So there you have it…

I really hope you find some inspiration in this hand picked list of wedding style blogs for your 2019 wedding. I’ve enjoyed researching them for you and, I have to say, I’ve been inspired to go off and design some amazing 2019 wedding stationery. So before you pop off why not have a little browse?

from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/5-must-read-wedding-blogs-you-may-not-have-heard-of


Are you getting married in 2019? Want to have unique, on trend wedding invitations for your wedding?

Here they are… our 5 tips for the hottest wedding invitation trends in 2019.

Luxury wedding invitation in copper1. It’s all in the detail…

I’m very much a less is more enthusiast when it comes to design but sometimes a finely detailed pattern or intricate design just works. Especially when you combine it with some simple bold type. 

 Geometric Wedding Invitation

2. Geometrics…

Geometric patterns are a hot trend for wedding invitations in 2019 but many of the best patterns date back centuries. There is something deeply satisfying and inherently appealing about a beautiful geometric pattern. 


Wedding venue sketch wedding invitation3. Venue sketches…

You’ve fallen in love with a country house, a castle or a charismatic church and intend to declare your everlasting love for each other in its hallowed halls. So why not have that romantic edifice forever laid down in fine detail on your wedding invitations? One of the best parts of my jobs is when I switch off email, put the phone on do not disturb and settle down to create a finely detailed sketch of a wondrous wedding venue. 

Monogram Wedding Invitation

4. Monograms…

Monogram wedding invitations were big in 2018 and that trend is only set to continue for 2019 weddings. As there are normally two people involved in a wedding these are technically not monograms but duograms but let’s not split hairs. Beloved of Amal and George Clooney the duogram takes your initials and combines them to form a motif repressing your joining together in wedded bliss.

Copper Foil Wedding Invitations

5. Copper Foil…

You may have marvelled at the lustre of metallic gold foil carefully embossed on a super thick card. You may even have lusted after the warm glow of rose gold foil. But have you experienced the cool, celestial wonder of metallic copper foil? I must admit I have a bit of a thing for copper, I have shelves, candle holders, wine coolers and a multitude of things that have been treated to a spray with some copper spray paint – you should try this, it is highly satisfying – so I’m a little biased. But I’m going to come out and say it, copper foil rules the it comes to hot wedding invitations for 2019 weddings.

So that’s it my prediction for the hottest wedding invitation trends for your 2019 wedding. I hope you’ve found some inspiration and I’d love to hear about your ideas for your perfect 2019 wedding stationery.


from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/the-5-hottest-wedding-invitation-trends-for-2019


Okay I can’t think of one!

If you have met the love of your life and you want to shout it from the rooftops then go for it! Get hitched, tie the knot, declare your undying, eternal love for this person and do it in front of the people you love and who love you right back. What could be finer?

Aside from the above I can think of many, many good reasons to get married. Top among these is the chance to plan an amazing day filled with all the people who really mean something to you. A chance to have the party of your life with vows and cake and dancing!

So here are 10 good reasons to get married…

1. You get to indulge your passion for paper by choosing sizzling, luxury wedding stationery to announce your intentions.

2. You can choose a venue that you’ve always wanted to stay in but never had a good enough reason to.

Harelaw Farm Weddings

Rowallan Castle Weddings

3. That dress/suit/kilt/outfit you’ve lusted after can now be yours! Oh and the shoes, don’t forget the shoes!



Walker Slater

Ten Thirty

Arabesque Shoes

4. You don’t need an excuse for cake but a wedding is the best excuse for the type of cake there’s just no excuse for.

Big Bear Bakery

Three Sisters Bake

5. Always fancied taking the trip of a lifetime? Now you can book that dream destination and call it a honeymoon.


6. That photographer you’ve been following to the point of stalking on instagram can now create their magic just for you.

The Curries

The Hendrys

Caro Weiss

7. You don’t get the chance to have a photo booth every day, you do on this very fine day.

Bygone Photo Booth

8. You can indulge your floral fantasies with bouquets and button holes galore.

Cosmos Floral Design

Floral Menagerie

9. If you’ve ever dreamed of starring in your own movie, now’s your chance!

10. Not only do you make a very public, very meaningful and truly wonderful commitment to the love of your life, you will have all those memories to look back upon as you grow old together in wedded bliss.

Eric ene Penroy

If you love anything you’ve seen above just click on the image to visit the wondrous wedding supplier’s website.  

All of the suppliers featured (except the honeymoon) can be found on the awe inspiring wedding collective website.

Now off you go and get that wedding planned to perfection…




from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery – Com Bossa Blog https://www.combossaweddinginvitations.co.uk/blogs/news/one-good-reason-to-not-get-married